Omaha 2020 (temperature quilt)
This temperature quilt uses half rectangle triangles to note the high and low temperature range for that day in Omaha, NE. I wanted the quilt to convey the way the temperature and season feels, so I choose fabric with patterns and colors that are expressive. I marked the Equinoxes and Solstices with yellow circles, raw-edged appliqued on those days. The key along the bottom shows the fabrics used for the temperature ranges from lowest to highest.
Year: 2021
Design: Heather Akerberg (a.k.a Glad Hand Sews)
Quilting: Stephanie Jacobson
Dimensions: 56” x 70”
Fabric: Katarina Rochella for Art Gallery Fabrics, Tula Pink Line Work as backing
Machine piecing, E2E machine quilting, raw-edge applique, machine sewn binding

Omaha 2020 front

Omaha 2020 detail showing temperature key at the bottom of the quilt.

Detail of the wavy quilting.

Omaha 2020 back