Traumatic memories are fragmented and challenge many of the basic notions we hold about the nature of memory. This quilt seeks to visually represent the obscured and fragmented nature of traumatic memory. You can know something but not name it. If you don't name it, it's easier to go on as if it never happened. But, it can also be confusing. Time gets confused. There are blank spots. As someone living with c-PTSD, I am grateful for and fascinated by the methods my brain employed to keep me safe. As you look at this quilt, your eye may struggle to understand what's in front and what's behind. By using value and figure-ground ambiguity, I'm hoping to give the viewer an experience that mimics the challenges that come with traumatic memory.
Year: 2022
Design: Heather Akerberg (a.k.a Glad Hand Sews)
Quilting: Karen McTavish
Dimensions: 48” x 48”
Fabric: Century Solids, Kona Solids
Machine piecing, freezer paper templates, foundation paper piecing, machine quilting, facing
Owner: Anonymous
Featured in Curated Quilts “Negative Space” issue, 2022
Juried into AQS QuiltWeek Des Moines 2022
Juried into AQS QuiltWeek Dayton Beach 2023
Juried into AQS QuiltWeek Branson 2023
Juried into AQS QuiltWeek Paducah 2023
Juried into AQS QuiltWeek Grand Rapids 2023
Juried into QuiltCon 2024
Sold to an anonymous buyer at QuiltCon 2024

Obscure quilt hanging at McTavish Quilting Studio
Detail of the quilting on the back of the quilt
Work in progress: Blocks
Detail of the quilting done by Karen McTavish
Top hanging on my design wall

Original mockup of the design in Adobe Illustrator